Our new trainees are here

A warm welcome! Our new trainees have arrived and are embarking on a promising future

We are delighted to welcome our seven new apprentices this year. They are taking their first step into an exciting and instructive professional future with us at the plant. The start of an apprenticeship not only marks the beginning of a new chapter in life, but also the opportunity to acquire valuable skills and become part of a dedicated team.

On August 1, the time had come: our new apprentices started their jobs. They were warmly welcomed by the management, the trainers and the training mentors from the various departments. At a welcome event, they had the opportunity to gain an initial insight into our company, get to know their trainers and network with each other.

Diversity and commitment
Our new trainees bring with them a wide range of talents and interests. From budding industrial clerks, media technologists, industrial mechanics and electronics technicians for industrial engineering to machine and plant operators and warehouse logistics specialists – the diversity of our apprenticeships reflects our conviction that different perspectives and skills enrich and advance our company.

Induction and first impressions
During the first few days, the focus is on induction. The trainees were given comprehensive information about the company structure, safety regulations and the various departments. The trainees were particularly enthusiastic about the opportunity to explore the plant on a detailed tour. During the tour, they experienced our paper machine as well as the printing and processing systems in action.

Mentoring and support
We pay particular attention to mentoring our trainees. Regular exchanges and intensive learning sessions with the training managers are a matter of course at FASANA. This personal support ensures that our junior staff settle in quickly and can make the most of their training period.

Outlook and expectations
We are convinced that our new trainees have the best prerequisites to successfully complete their training and make valuable contributions to our company. Over the coming months, they will gain a wide range of experience, work on various projects and develop their professional and personal skills step by step.

Together into the future
Our aim is not only to train the apprentices professionally, but also to support them on their way to becoming responsible and committed specialists. We look forward to going down this path together. We are looking forward to the positive impetus that our new colleagues will provide in the coming years.

Once again, a warm welcome to our new trainees! We wish you a successful and fulfilling apprenticeship at our plant.






Apply now for an apprenticeship at FASANA in 2025